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Find Your Career

Job Seeker Programs

Job coaches at Western Wisconsin Workforce Development will help you find and keep a employment.  


Let's get you exploring your first job or your next career. We have funding to remove the barriers to a new you.


Explore our programs below or just skip to applying.

Job Interview

WIOA Youth [E3 Works]

Image by Jason Goodman

E3 Works is for those ages 14 to 24 explore potential careers with a planner that match your skills and interests to jobs. You can qualify for paid education and training, paid work experiences with local employers, cash incentives, mentoring, financial literacy, and supportive services.

Department of Corrections

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

We operate the Department of Corrections' Windows to Work program in the Jackson Correctional Institution Job Center. Staff can also make referrals and information to those who have recently released.

Anchor 1

WIOA Adult & Dislocated Worker

Image by Austin Distel

Workforce Connections operates these programs designed for adults searching for jobs with self-sustaining wages. Programming helps with training assistance, work readiness skills, and support services.

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